
What to do when your dog steals your socks and underwear

Does your dog steal your socks, underwear, gloves and other personal items and take them to his bed or under the table or some other place he regards as his own?This can be annoying, even more so if your dog claims your possessions as his own and doesn't want you to take them back. If your dog growls when you try to recover your items, then your dog is claiming possession of the items and this is basically a rank problem.Retrieve all your items plus all of your dog's toys when he is not there. You will now control his items. 

Allow him to play with a toy as a reward for doing something that you asked him to do. Retrieve this toy once he loses interest in it. If you cannot retrieve it while your dog is present without him growling then wait until he leaves and then retrieve it.Repeat this process, the problem should lessen in intensity and resolve itself with time. In addition it is advisable that you use other methods to reduce your dog's rank. Please click here to view a check list of factors that determine rank.Compare the checklist against the actual situation with your dog. 

Use some of the points to demote your dog. The items on the list regarding when to allow your dog to eat and ensuring that certain areas of the house are out of bounds to your dog should prove particularly effective.I am confident that after carrying out the above your dog's problem should be solved, but if it isn't then you will need to purchase a taste deterrent from a pet shop.Spray one of your dog's toys with the taste deterrent and leave it in a strategic place. Make sure that you are present when your dog finds the toy. He will challenge you for the toy, but will drop it as soon as he tastes it. You can then retrieve the toy and win the challenge. You might need to repeat this procedure a few times, but your dog's problem will abate.


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