There are many dangers lurking in the house that can be poisons for our dogs. In 2008 the ASPCA Poison Control Center handled 140,000 cases of pets exposed to toxic substances, many of which were typical household products. Dogs have a tendency to sniff out the better things in a product and not be aware of the true dangers. It is up to us to protect them from substances that seem strange to them.
1. Human MedicationsLast year over 50,000 calls involved the ingestion of human medications such as painkiller medications, antidepressants, and supplements. Fido can snatch a vial off a counter or gobble up pills that accidentally hit the floor. So it is essential to keep this #1 hazard tucked away properly.
2. InsecticidesThe most common exposure was improperly applying flea and tick products. But, also be careful of the pesticides that are used on lawns and shrubs. Last year there were 31,000 such instances.
3. People FoodFoods like grapes, raisins, avocado, and certain citrus fruits can cause serious harm to our 4 legged friends. One of the worst offenders is chocolate, and the darker it is the more toxic to furry friends. These contain large amounts of methylxanthines, which if ingested in large amounts can cause vomiting, diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst, hyperactivity, and in severe cases, abnormal heart rhythm, seizures and tremors.
4. Pesticides (rodent specific)Many rodent baits use inactive ingredients to attract the rats and mice, but this also attracts pets as well. Exposure to these poisons can lead to potentially life threatening problems including bleeding, seizures, and kidney damage.
5. Veterinary Medications Like in humans, drugs meant for animals contain side effects, especially if they are not applied properly or are improperly dispensed. The products involved non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, heart worm preventatives, de-wormers, antibiotics, vaccines, and nutritional supplements.
6. Plants Common houseplants such as azaleas, rhododendrons, sago palms, lilies, kalanchoe, and schefflera can be toxic and can cause kidney failure even in small amounts.
7. Chemical Hazards Antifreeze, paint thinner, drain cleaners, pool and spa chemicals are a substantial threat to our pets. These can cause gastrointestinal problems, depression, respiratory difficulties, and chemical burns. Safely stow all such products where your pet cannot get to them.
8. Household CleanersCommon household products such as bleach, detergents, and disinfectants contain chemicals, that when inhaled by our pets can cause gastrointestinal distress, and irritation to the respiratory tract.
9. Heavy Metals Zinc, lead, and mercury can poison your dog. Lead is especially widespread through paint chips, linoleum, and lead dust from the scraping of older homes. Mercury is also all around and is now included in our new electric bulbs.
10. Fertilizer When you see the fertilizer sign in anyone’s yard, including your own, keep your friend off that lawn. Prevention is the key here, because these chemicals can get on their paws or can be inhaled during a normal sniffing of the yard. They can cause all kinds of problems and last year the ASPCA received 2,000 calls on this alone.
What to do if you suspect your pet is poisoned.
DO NOT PANIC!!!If you think your dog has been poisoned. Get to an Emergency Veterinary Clinic as soon as possible if your pet exhibits symptoms such as respiratory distress, seizures, or loss of consciousness. If you are not sure, but think he/she might have gotten into a toxic substance, call the Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435. Have your pet's age, breed, sex and weight available along with information on the suspected substances. Put this number in your cell phone or post it on the refrigerator for quick reference.